Hearing Healthcare Services For Hearing Healthcare Providers

Call Center Services

We offer both inbound, as well as outbound call center solutions for any size hearing healthcare agency.

Digital Marketing Services

Digital marketing & SEO services to help put your hearing healthcare agency in front of the competition.

Website Creation

A strong site to send advertising to, is extremely important for many hearing healthcare practitioners.

Inbound Call Center Services

Our retention department will answer all your incoming mail calls and set the appointments correctly by gathering all of the information needed to set the appointment. Our goal is to set sales opportunities and maximize your schedule. All mail appointments will go into our retention protocol following the outcome accordingly. Answering mail calls, appointment control and patient retention!

Outbound Call Center Services

Our outbound department will call all your annual 3+ patients, out of warranty and test no sale outcomes through our dialer to maximize contact. We will invite them back in for an up-to-date hearing test, present them with a special offer of your choice. We are basically setting up a sales opportunity with an offer to interest the patient to come back in. We will maximize your existing user database.

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Digital Marketing Services

When someone searches for hearing aids online, you want them to find your site on the first page of search results. We will focus on driving traffic to your business’s website by utilizing strategic digital marketing techniques.

Data Management

One of the biggest issues we have seen with current hearing aid locations is having the time to follow up with your current data file and retaining the patients that have walked out the door without purchasing. Our team has years of experience in these areas and will take care of your current and future patients as if they were their own.

Website Creation

Whether you are starting a new business or seeking to improve an existing business, that you should have a strong, well built website. We can host, create and manage the SEO on your website, so you can stay at the top of the search.

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Direct Mail

Direct mail is an advertising strategy that we use for reaching your operation's target audience. This typically includes the sending of mail, such as promotions, cards or letters, directly to potential consumers based on previous company data that has been collected for demographic information. These can serve as valuable tools for your company's marketing efforts.

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