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Marketing, and the Future of Hearing Healthcare

Gone are the days when having a simple website with an About Us and Contact Us section was a sufficient digital footprint. Today’s consumers expect hearing care professionals to have a smart digital presence consisting... read more

Best Hearing Aids in 2023, What do you sell?

New technology is being released all the time in the hearing aid industry. It can be a challenge to keep up from providers to patients. In the past hearing aid information was very limited to the patients access. But times...read more

The Importance of Phone Room Reach and Support

The average amount of phone calls it takes to make a sale is 6 calls. If you have hundreds of active files, this could be thousands of phone calls a year you would need to make to help maximize the...read more

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Hearing Aid and Healthcare Advertising In 2023

Hearing aid patients and the industry are evolving everyday. Marketing strategies used by most hearing aid practices are outdated. The days of a newspaper ad resulting in 30-40 appointments are simply gone. Having a edge in today’s industry requires more...read more

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